I'm out running early in the morning, I can see 'em leaned over in
their seats, hoods over their heads, maybe resting their eyes before
getting to work. There're usually only a few on board at that hour.”
That was just my
dad giving an observation of crack-of-dawn commuters on San Antonio's
VIA Metropolitan Transit, an extensive system of buses that traverse
many, but not all, parts of the city. I mean, living relatively near
downtown myself, I see a fair amount of these buses on the road, and
I use them from time to time, mainly to get to the bars and back
without driving. I must say, it is useful for that.
But if you don't
use the service much, or ever, you may wonder why such a
transportation system exists. It isn't exactly a small one. VIA has
around ninety buses, including an express service, “PRIMO”, that
will get you downtown in a few minutes from certain parts of the city
in a larger, more comfortable bus with free Wi-Fi. Anyway, take a
look at this system map:
Yes, the streets
and routes are tiny in this picture, but as you can see, these buses
do go to a lot of places around town. I'm willing to bet, however, that, if
you have a reliable set of wheels, you rarely, if ever, set foot in
these things. I mean, why would you? It's pretty much a guarantee
that you can get where you need to go more quickly in a car. That
kinna seals it.
having lived in San Antonio for about six months, I realized there
were parts of town I still hadn't seen. Recently, I discussed with
family and friends how small we allow our worlds to be. We get up, go
to work, go to the gym, go to church, hang out with friends at such
and such place, and come home. Unless we purposefully branch out, our
lives sort of take this polygon shape around town, mapping out our
typical, limited commute to work and recreational spots. It typically
doesn't go further (or farther?) than that.
And that's why I
wanted to spend a day traversing areas of San Antonio I hadn't
explored, and never thought to, while using VIA to do so. I took this
little journey with a few questions in mind: How comfortable is the
bus? How long does it take? Who takes it? Where exactly does it go?
How do people get along on the bus? Among others. So I woke up last Saturday with the plan already in mind to ride the autobus
from my house in Southtown (just...well...south of downtown) to a
book club I attend each week. Let me show you the route, highlighted
MS Paint style:
I apologize for
the low quality, but I just wanted to show how far I went. It's 5.6
miles. That trip took about twenty-five minutes. In a car, it would
have been about ten. Add the fact that I had to walk several blocks
from the bus stop to the coffee shop, and you really need to set a
good chunk of time to get to your destination.
So finally
arriving at this cafe, I grabbed some coffee and mapped out where
exactly I wanted to go in the afternoon (Yes, it was a book club of
one that day.). I didn't have much desire to check out more
high-income parts of town, so I opted to tour the eastern and
southern areas, cutting through downtown to end up a few blocks west
of my parents' house, which is just north of the center.

it's quite difficult, or impossible, to see exactly what streets,
etc. I intended to travel, but let me break it down to you as best I
can. Basically, I utilized three routes. The first one was bus #20,
which took me eastbound from Ashby Place and North St. Mary's Street,
eventually heading south on a long, vertical road called New
Braunfels Avenue and ending at the southeast end of that map. The
next one was bus #515, which took me east to west on a south side
road aptly called Southcross Boulevard. After that, I was to take bus
#51, which traveled in a northeastern direction, mainly on a diagonal
thoroughfare called Nogalitos Street. When I hit downtown, I planned
to head north on Blanco Road on bus #2, getting off at Hildebrand
Now, as
you can see, my little route doesn't cover that much of the city, but
I really just wanted to be on the bus for an extended amount of time
and see some unknown parts of town. In that sense, I'd say mission
accomplished. So how was it?
Definitely interesting. You notice a lot when you're not driving.
Most notably, I'd say, you see how the city changes from block to
block, which is true for a lot of cities, especially when you're not
in the suburbs.
instance, it wasn't uncommon to go from this:
To this:
Or from this:
To this:
within a short amount of time. Neighboring blocks are like apples and
oranges, and, somehow, the two don't really seem to mix. Now, while I was on
that first bus, the riders were pretty sparse (at least at midday)
but that changed once we started heading south on New Braunfels. It
filled up quite quickly, in fact. Furthermore, you notice in this
more eastern part of town that much of San Antonio's relatively small
African American population lives around here. Interestingly, when I
got off that bus and starting heading west, there wasn't a black
person in sight.
And you
notice another pattern that was prevalent just about everywhere I
Chicken, Family Dollar, EZ Pawn, repeat. These establishments were in
constant rotation no matter what part of town I was busing through.
They greatly outnumbered grocery stores.
got me thinking about my own working class
neighborhood. I hope we've established the fact that there's a
substantial portion of the city's population that uses the bus out of
necessity. Now, say I wanted to go to the grocery store from my house
at this very moment.
It would take twenty-four minutes to get there. That's one way.
Imagine grabbing your bags, walking to the bus stop for the
twenty-four minute trip, grocery shopping, and lugging your bags for
the twenty-four minute ride back home. How long would that take? An
hour and a half? Perhaps more? Now, faced with the question of
whether to make that trek or just grab some snacks or a taco around
the corner, which would you choose?
I enjoyed the bus atmosphere. On the whole, it had a friendly feel,
with courteous drivers and nice, appreciative passengers. I like public
transportation because it kind of puts everyone on the same level.
You're all riding in that big, rolling vessel together, just trying
to get home or get to work.
Only problem is, that same level is not exactly a high one. There's
no way around it. It's a service reserved for the poor and very few
who choose not to drive. I've never seen a clearer symbol of San
Antonio's class divide than VIA, and my only question is: Why? Why
have we chosen over the years to close ourselves off in our cars and
even in our own neighborhoods? To be honest, I don't even think it's
intentional. It just happened, but who/what is to blame?
Infrastructure? Crime rates? Lifestyles?
Perhaps a combination of the three, but we're gonna have to seriously
question how we live. Public transportation options around the US are
lacking and generally unappealing to most people. In fact, about one
in every three users of mass transit in this country are in New York
City and its suburbs. One in three. That's 33% of the nation's mass
transit commuters in one city of about 8.4 million.
And it's no surprise. Such things aren't even encouraged by the
state. Don't you love those commercials that say, “Police are
cracking down on drinking and driving?" Hmmm. That's all well and
good, but, pray tell, how else am I supposed to get there? You don't
seem to be helping.
Even reasonable proposals by national leaders have prompted public
backlash. In the midst of an energy crisis in 1979, President Jimmy
Carter put the American lifestyle into question in what came to be
known as his “malaise” speech:
"Human identity is no longer defined by what one does but by what one owns. But we've discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning...I'm asking you for your good and for your nation's security to take no unnecessary trips, to use carpools or public transportation whenever you can, to park your car one extra day per week, to obey the speed limit, and to set your thermostats to save fuel."
everyone loved these requests, but the man had the guts to point out
America's rate of consumption, which was and is substantial. It
shouldn't simply be our “right” to use up resources at will,
regardless of gas prices. What good does such a mentality even do us?
As President Carter said, it doesn't satisfy our longing for meaning.
course, if I were suggesting I'm anti-car, I'd be a hypocrite, 'cause
I got one sitting in front of the house that I use plenty.
Nonetheless, things are never set in stone. Consider the state of
things and the choices you make. It won't hurt.
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